Written By: Gina

I have been hearing a lot about Vitamin D as it pertains to getting sun lately. Is it good for you? If so, how much and how many minutes in the sun are effective? When is a good thing too much? Or when is a good thing just a good thing?

I live in Southern California, so I am used to getting plenty of sunshine. I guess I took living here for granted in that regard- figuring I was getting what I needed just by walking to my car or driving to the market. And some studies have shown that I am correct in my thinking- that by not actively seeking out the sun, I am still getting the Vitamin D I need from my daily activities to keep me healthy.

"Hundreds of studies now link vitamin D deficiency with significantly higher rates of many forms of cancer‚ as well as heart disease‚ osteoporosis‚ multiple sclerosis and many other conditions and diseases. While overexposure to sunlight carries risks, the cosmetic skin care industry has misled the public into believing that any UV exposure is harmful. No research has shown that regular, non-burning exposure to UV light poses a significant risk of skin damage. Humans spend less time in the sun today than at any point in human history – which is why more than 1 billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient." ~sunshinevitamin.org

I keep reading that there is a magic number of minutes to get sunshine per day. It has even varied from 15-20 minutes per day as if 5 minutes can make or break you! I do agree that there are a few things you can do to avoid over-exposure to UV rays from the sun:

  • Wear protective clothing when outdoors including long sleeves and a hat to protect major areas that burn
  • Know that if you are near water, sand or snow, the suns rays reflect dangerous UV rays causing an increased chance of sunburn
  • Avoid tanning beds (however some claim to be UVA AND UVB safe, they still increase risk for cancer)
  • Use the proper SPF. Although SPF 15 is usually recommended, even using SPF 8 can decrease dangerous UV rays by 95%! Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 hours even if you are in overcast weather, and especially if you swim.

Dr. Mercola says, "Dr. Michael Holick was the first scientist to isolate the active forms of vitamin D, and he is responsible for redefining vitamin D deficiency, a concern that's now seen as a national epidemic. He fought against a number of entrenched ideas about sunlight over the past 20 years, warning that abstinence from direct sun exposure through sunblock use was leading to increasing vitamin D deficiency, with serious implications for cancer and other diseases." There is rumor that Boston College tried to fire Dr. Holick for going against mainstream medical thinking and challenging the issue...

I have come to the conclusion in my research that you need about 15 minutes of direct sun exposure at least 2 days per week to generate sufficient vitamin D levels in your body. While sunscreen helps prevent burning, there is varied opinion on what level SPF is necessary to protect your face and body from dangerous UVA and UVB rays. “Studies have not specifically linked the use of sunscreen by itself to a reduced risk of skin cancer or skin aging.” ~US Food and Drug Administration. Yes, that says US Food and Drug Administration.

Marianne Berwick, head of the Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention Program at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, takes a different view. “Sunscreen is probably effective against a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma,” she says, “but there’s little evidence that it prevents another type called basal cell carcinoma.” And there are no data showing that sunscreen protects against malignant melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. ~AARP Bulletin

So I guess, for me, I will continue to go about my daily activities knowing I am getting the vitamin D I need. I will not allow myself to burn if I go to the beach and will continue to wear sunscreen on my face daily and body when I over expose. It almost says "common sense," right? And the paranoid mother that I am, I will continue to use SPF 50 on my kids....toxin free of course! For a list of better sunscreen choices, visit www.ewg.org

Enjoy the sun!

Written By: Gina

I wanted to discuss pesticides as they affect our Summer fruits and vegetables and thought it would be great to give a list of the best choices to avoid these toxins.

Pesticides are toxins used to help prevent pests (i.e., insects, vermin, and even other plants) from destroying crops. They are designed to destroy living organisms. These hazardous materials are then passed on to whomever eats the affected grains, fruits, or vegetables.

Serious illnesses have been linked to the use of pesticides, ranging from respiratory problems (especially of those who work in pesticide-treated fields) to certain types of cancers and disruption of the endocrine system.

  • Endocrine disruption can produce infertility and a variety of birth defects and developmental defects in offspring, including hormonal imbalance and incomplete sexual development, impaired brain development, behavioral disorders, and many others.
  • Over two dozen pesticides known to disrupt the endocrine system, including many common pesticides like atrazine and 2-4-D, are currently in wide use. --In 1994, 1,332 pesticide related illnesses were reported to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
  • More than 75% of these reported illnesses occurred in the workplace. A study of reported pesticide illnesses from 1983- 1990 found over 19,000 poisonings, including over 9,000 in non-agricultural settings.
  • According to the US EPA, more than 70 active ingredients known to cause cancer in animal tests are allowed for use. (Quoted from: Pesticide Watch pesticidewatch.org) According to the US EPA, more than 70 active ingredients known to cause cancer in animal tests are allowed for use. (Quoted from: Pesticide Watch pesticidewatch.org)

Organic produce often looks less pretty, more blemished, than does regularly grown fruits and vegetables. Consumers have been conditioned over time to expect fruit and vegetables that are perfect in appearance; in fact, much of our fruit is so bland-tasting because it has been grown to look perfect, not taste good. Remember the old saying that it’s what’s inside that counts? That applies here, too!

Good News About Organics:

No synthetic pesticides. Organic produce doesn’t add to the already-vast quantity of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers used on conventional produce. Some people are concerned about their intake of pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables (even after washing). In 2006, Consumer Reports noted that some produce was more likely to retain such residues, while it was less probable that other varieties did so. Among those fruits and veggies more likely to retain these residues (which included apples, celery, cherries, spinach, strawberries, nectarines, potatoes and red raspberries), organic produce offers an opportunity for people to keep some toxins out of their bodies when eating such foods. People with chemical sensitivities can sometimes find relief from symptoms by eating organics. And those with compromised immune systems, or immune systems not yet fully developed (that means kids), may be more affected by synthetic pesticide residues than the general population. Again, organic foods, especially organic produce, may be an answer here, although the Environmental Protection Agency insists that conventionally-grown produce is safe for children to consume.

No GMOs. Organic fruits and vegetables are not permitted to be irradiated or modified genetically. Longtime readers of this column understand that I have some very serious concerns about GMOs, genetically-modified organisms. It isn’t that I automatically condemn GMOs as bad, it’s that many of them have created at least as many problems as they were supposed to solve, or simply haven’t worked at all. Sufficient research on the effect of GM crops has not been carried out, and, once the genetic modification is released into the environment, recalling it is impossible. The idea that GMO seeds are “intellectual property” and cannot be saved at the end of harvest to plant next spring is absolute, well, fertilizer, and it’s placing more and more poor farmers deeper and deeper in debt, even while corporations (such as Monsanto and Syngenta) and their investors reap ever-greater profits from that situation. And unintentional crossbreeding and genetic drift have both been demonstrated to be all too real. Again, organic agriculture is one of very few ways around these GMOs.

Soil Health. Organic farming is also a heck of a lot better for soil health than conventional farming. Goodness, how I do keep harping on soil condition! Maybe more people should; that’s how important soil is. According to the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water, soil condition “can be defined as the capacity of a soil to function, within land use and ecosystem boundaries, to sustain biological productivity, maintain environmental health, and promote plant, animal, and human health.” Is that crucial enough for you? So much of agriculture depends on soil health. Some would argue that agrichemicals can be used to restore soil health if any imbalances are found, but we already know that overuse of those chemicals is a major culprit in environmental problems these days. Monoculture, a common practice in conventional farming, is the repeated growing of just one crop in one area. It’s a sure-fire way to strip soil of nutrients vital for plant growth, and it supports populations of those pests specific to the crop, as well as weeds that like those particular soil conditions. Organic farming uses techniques such as crop rotation and diversity, composting and cover cropping (cover crops, usually annual grasses and/or legumes, can control erosion and weeds, aerate and loosen the soil, act as a living mulch and even restore soil nutrients) to enrich and preserve valuable topsoil. This form of cultivation is invariably gentler to the land.

Availability. There’s a lot of talk about organic farming supporting small family farms. Some of that’s true—but some of it isn’t. There are some “supersized” organic farms these days, especially in California. They have gone far past the “small family farm” stage, although most probably started out that way. And we’ve all read about large corporations buying up what were once independent organic producers. But there’s an odd twist to all that. When big corporations get involved in something, it generally becomes more available to more people, and it costs less. That’s happened with organics, too. Unquestionably, they’ve become more widely available, and that’s driven the price down to a degree. I’m not sure organic fruits and vegetables will ever qualify as inexpensive, but any price reduction for the consumer will result in more people buying the organic product. And there are small family farms out there growing organic fruits and vegetables; you might just have to do a bit of searching for them. (thenibble.com)

The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit organization that advocates for policies that protect global and individual health. They currently tested 43 different fruits and vegetables, and found that these 12 carried the least amount of pesticides when grown conventionally:

Broccoli Eggplant Cabbage Banana Kiwi Asparagus Sweet peas (frozen) Mango

Pineapple Sweet corn (frozen) Avocado Onion

Of the 43 different fruits and vegetables tested, the following 12 carried the highest amount of pesticides when grown conventionally, and are therefore the most important to buy organic:

Peaches Apples Sweet bell peppers Celery Nectarines Strawberries Cherries

Lettuce Grapes (imported) Pears Spinach Potatoes (naturalnews.com)

The Full List: 47 Fruits & Veggies
click here to print the printer-friendly full list.

So enjoy those fruits and vegetables this Summer! Knowing this list has changed my choices when shopping now.


Written by: Alicia

Did you know babies can get cavities? I took my son to the dentist for the first time yesterday. He is three and a half years old (I know, I procrastinated on this). The doctor checked him over and said, "His teeth look great. No cavities." I said, "No cavities?! Do kids usually have cavities this young?" He said, "I see kids at age two with cavities."

Wow. It kinda surprised me. I guess I never thought about cavities that young. I did some more researching and it appears babies from nine or ten months can be infected by cavity producing bacteria. Apparently babies that suck on a bottle all day and night have a higher risk of developing cavities. So, never leave a bottle in your baby's crib at night and once you see their first tooth, dentists suggest you start cleaning it (usually with just a finger brush or wet cloth).

I also read a disturbing fact that more and more kids are given soda starting at age two. Apparently a lot of toddlers are chewing on gummy bears and washing it down with a Coke.

My kids have food allergies so I have always been cautious about what goes into their mouths. They never drink soda and they don't eat candy. Some people have made rude comments about me not giving my kids candy; as if I am taking away part of their childhood or something. I think certain people associate kids and candy WAY too often. I feel like I am actually aiding in their development by not offering these products. Less sugar means more concentration. Less sugar also means I can go to a restaurant with 3 year old triplets and have a pleasant time.

My kids do get tons of sweets but they get them in the form of fruit. They will eat any type of fruit I put in front of them. And, they get fruit for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If I put candy and fruit in front of them I am 99% positive they will choose the fruit.

Now, back to cavities. I read that diets high in sugars and carbohydrates will increase your child's risk of developing cavities. I was not surprised by sugar but how do carbohydrates harm your teeth?

Certain carbohydrates, such as breads, cereals and chips are considered to be more of a "sticky" or starchy carb and therefore are left on or in-between the teeth more frequently. Bacteria that live in the mouth digest these foods, turning them into acids. The bacteria, acid, food debris, and saliva combine to form plaque, which clings to the teeth. The acids in plaque dissolve the enamel surface of the teeth, creating holes in the teeth.

Americans eat more processed carbohydrates now more than ever before. In fact, 50 percent of their daily intake is carbohydrates. Since my kids are on a gluten-free diet they only eat "non-sticky" carbs such as rice, potatoes and oatmeal (to name a few). I didn't know this diet was also good for their teeth; just another bonus.

I have since learned that fruits, vegetables, and nuts have been shown to reduce cavities. This is partly due to the increased fiber, but is also due to xylitol, a natural substance found in fruits and vegetables. Xylitol is said to help promote healthy teeth by reducing plaque.

So there you have it. If your kids eat a lot of processed carbs, make them brush right afterwards. If you want less cavities choose to feed your kids non-sticky carbs and give them more fruits and veggies.

Happy Brushing,


Written By: Gina

As many of you know, my children have followed a wheat free, gluten free, sugar free diet since they were able to eat solid food. They have become very healthy kids and I thought I should seek the same help from our Holistic Dr. so I can stick around for a while.

I was addicted to the diet pill phentermine for 2 1/2 years. I was thin and had ample energy but I knew I was hurting my body and my heart rate was sometimes thought the roof. The weight fell off fast and I needed it to because I had gained a lot when I was pregnant with twins. Although I ate well, I was already heavy when I got pregnant so I ballooned- it was not pretty. In all my years of infertility, I told people I was not going to go on a diet because, "what was the point?" I would lose the weight after my pregnancy. That time never came so I kept the weight on for years while living in denial. After having my twins, I could not wait to shed the shame and the weight quickly- thus the addiction to diet pills. My regular family doctor prescribed the pills at first. Once I had lost 40 pounds, she refused to continue the prescription so I went to a weight loss facility to keep the weight loss going. I lost another 30 pounds and was thinner than I had been in over 10 years- I felt absolutely fantastic! Unfortunately, I knew I was hurting myself and putting my health and heart at risk.

Last October, I decided it was time to get real and face my weight loss head on. I have literally been on a diet since I was 26 and I was completely sick of the roller coaster ride. I have done every diet known to woman- Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Dexatrim, Soup & water based diets, Hydroxycut..I could go on and on. I ate only low-fat and fat-free foods- some of the worst things for your body. Dr. Cart (my Holistic Dr.) warned me it wasn't going to be easy to convert to such healthy eating. He suggested (strongly) that I cut out bread, sugar, alcohol and coffee. Surprisingly, the carbs and some of the sugars were the easiest to remove from my daily menu. I tried to give up coffee three times and heck no, it wouldn't go! I made it until 11:00 am one morning- the best I could do. I had to change my creamer, sugar substitutes, and someday I am going to have to give up my love affair with cheese and dairy. This hasn't been easy and it has honestly taken me some time to give up certain foods. It's so easy to be in denial and tell yourself that one piece of bread isn't going to hurt you! But now that I make healthy food choices, when I veer off my new menu even slightly, I feel it for an entire day after.

I have certainly evolved in this new way of eating. I can honestly say for the first time in years that I have successfully changed my lifestyle which was going to be the only way I was going to conquer this problem anyway. Now the weight is coming off so slowly- it's driving me absolutely nuts...but I know it's the healthiest way for me to lose the weight so it stays off permanently.

I do want to talk about my detox- it isn't pretty. One change in food program and yikes! Mood swings, dizziness, itching- it's crazy! The sugar roller coaster causes the worst crashes and if I have even one glass of wine now I can't sleep through the night. My legs itch like you wouldn't believe and I am so irritated by the smallest things. My point being that this has not been easy to do and I know why people put this sort of thing off but I do feel it has all been worth it. I can be honest with myself and my family knowing that I am doing what I have to do to stay healthy for my growing children.

I know I am doing what is right for my body so I can live my healthiest life. I don't want to sugar coat it- sometimes I miss a good juicy cheeseburger or ice cream, but for the most part I don't even notice what I am "missing" for the first time in years. I am starting to crave avocado and tomato- crazy, right? Now I have to work on my patience as it relates to a slow weight loss because that will be the ultimate payoff. I would be one happy camper. Then maybe the detox and sugar mood swings won't be so bad!!

Here's to good health!

Written by: Alicia

I am going to let some steam off today. I am so upset that yesterday my daughter's food allergy was ignored at school. All of my GF/CF Moms can most likely relate to this.

I picked my daughter up from pre-school and noticed she had some red stains on her shirt. A teacher's aide told me they gave them Popsicles that day. I felt my chest tighten up immediately with anger. I have explained over and over to the teacher and the aides that my daughter has a gluten allergy. I have specifically mentioned that most Popsicles contain gluten. I have also explained she is not allowed to have any red dye (she gets more agitated with this in her diet).

So, what do they do? They ignore my request and gave her a RED Popsicle. I asked the teacher, "Why did you do that? You know she has an allergy. You should have told me and I would have brought in a treat for her." The teacher said, "We weren't going to give it to her but she looked so sad when she couldn't have one." What kind of answer is this? If she had a peanut allergy, would you have done the same? Why is a GF/CF diet not taken seriously?

I wanted to lose it but I know myself well enough to hold back and relax before I go off. It took me about 7 hours before I could send this "nice" email off to the teacher:

Dear "Teacher:"

I am writing to let you know I am concerned that my daughter's diet was not followed today.

I understand it is hard to not give her the same sweets most kids can eat. I wish she could eat anything she wants...but she can't. She has a severe allergy to gluten. It is not like a peanut allergy and you most likely won't see an instant reaction but damage is occurring internally.

Celiac is a disease that runs in my family. If you have an allergy to gluten and you eat gluten it will travel to your small intestines and cause damage. Let me briefly explain so you will have a clearer understanding of this disease. We all have villi in our intestines. When food passes over them, they absorb the nutrients from that food. However, if you have a gluten allergy and then eat gluten it will travel to your intestines and flatten the villi. This means none of the nutrients from the food you eat will get absorb. This is why she is shorter than her triplet siblings. She was not getting the right nutrition for over one year.

Madelyn also has another reaction to gluten. If gluten and casein (a protein in milk) gets into her blood stream, it can have an opiate-like effect on her. Basically, we lose her to a drugged out stare. Celiac disease has been linked to some psychological disorders (OCD being one of them; which she has on a gluten diet). Gluten can cause malfunctions of the brain and neural networks for people with this allergy. Taking this out of her diet is the sole reason why she is no longer considered autistic. It is very important for her to not eat gluten.

In the beginning stages of this diet change we slipped up a few times. These slip ups took one to two days for her body to correct itself. During that time she had more tantrums (including pulling her hair out), got rashes on her bottom, OCD behaviors returned, woke frequently during the night and was just more agitated.

It is hard with her on the diet because a lot of people don't understand it. Some people think it is a diet strictly for autistic kids (and some do not take it very seriously). But, for many members of my family this is a serious issue. This allergy is a true disease. My dad has been suffering for years. His body took major hits from not absorbing nutrients for years and years. Some of his organs were badly affected.

Although a few slip ups here and there will not cause any long term damage it does cause brief damage. I really need her diet restrictions to be followed. Lets please go back to our original plan of her not eating any food unless I give it to you.

I have to admit I am a little concerned now to have her attend school. Can you assure me her diet will be followed 100% of the time? She cannot have any gluten or red dye #40.


I have not heard anything back yet. You know what hurts the most? It is that I have repetitively told the staff of her food allergy. I bring in food and drinks that Madelyn can consume. What more can I do; besides pull her out of school which I don't want to do. I feel like they disrespected my little girl. They did not take her allergy as a true issue. This was NOT their decision to make. I had to deal with OCD behaviors yesterday. She had one blow up at the pool yesterday because she didn't like how I put the toys into the pool (I haven't seen this type of behavior since the last slip up).

What more can we, GF/CF Moms, do to be taken seriously? My husband was so upset that he wants to pull our daughter out of school. I said we can't do this because she needs the social interaction to help her Selective Mustim. I feel that the teacher cares for my daughter and am still in shock over her poor judgement.

I'm going to go cool off again. Have a good weekend everyone! - Alicia


Written By: Gina

I am excited and amazed at how "Green" everything is becoming! I have never been a self-professed "greeney" but I have certainly made some changes in behavior over the last couple of years. I feel it is my responsibility- as I educate myself about this subject, I know I can make better choices for the environment and for my family. If I know I have been wasteful in the past in my use of some things, and I now cannot ignore better ways of doing things.

As you know, Alicia and I have written a book about possible causes of Infertility. We discovered how a lot of the personal care and cleaning products you might use and have in your home can help prevent pregnancy. I was never a holistic or environmental person until having kids. I thought the world revolved around me and if I used a box of tissues a day, it was my choice and business to do so. When my household went from 2 to 4 individuals, it was hard not to notice how wasteful I had been!

The reason I am so excited is because I am used to doing my shopping for food and household products at about 5 different stores a week, plus certain items have to be ordered on-line. This is time consuming and inconvenient to say the least. This is soon going to change! I am noticing more and more eco-friendly products being sold at major retailers. It is only a matter of time before I can do one-stop (OK- maybe two-stop) shopping!

I opened up my Sunday paper to discover a "Green" section in my Target catalog. I actually got tingles! Target now carries eco-friendly personal care products and water filters. Organic sheets and laundry detergent. I used to spend a lot on shipping fees alone through on-line shopping and now I can run to Target to get the products I use. They even now carry Dr. Bronner's! The thrill!

For now, I still go to specialty grocery stores. However, my neighborhood grocery store chain has now set up an entire organics section. Even Wal-Mart has dedicated itself to providing organic options, while listing Gluten, sugar and dairy free options as well as low-fat and kosher items on their website.

When purchasing Organic products, you should know what to look for. If you do not see the USDA Certified Organic Seal on a product, the word “organic” doesn’t mean a thing!

Organic Packaging

100% Organic- USDA Organic labeled foods are under stricter standards than other foods and may contain only organically produced ingredients. This means that the foods are processed in an organic environment, not touching or being packaged on a surface with non-organic foods and packaged in their original, organic form.

Organic- 95% of these ingredients must be organically grown. The remaining 5% of ingredients must be from an approved National list of non-organic approved foods. These products can also display the USDA Organic seal on the product or a certified logo. (An example of a state certified logo for CA).

Go to fullsize image

Made With Organic Ingredients- At least 70% of the ingredients must be organic and they must be listed on the package. The remaining 30% of ingredients must be from the National approved list. These products may display a certifier’s logo but not a USDA Organic Seal.

When purchasing Green products, read the labels to make sure the following toxins are not listed on the labels:

DEA; Diethanolamine, Cocamide DEA, Cocamide MEA, DEA-Cetyl Phosphate, DEA- Oleth-3 Phosphate, Lauramide DEA, monoethanolamine MEA, Myristamide DEA, Oleamide DEA, Stearamide MEA, TEA- Lauryl Sulfate, Triethanolamine: Used as emulsifiers and foaming agents. Repeated use and absorbtion into skin can cause a major increase of liver and kidney cancers as found in mice and rats. It can also accumulate in the brain and produce toxic effects.

Phthalates, DEP- Diethyl Phthalate (MEP- derived from DEP): used as plasticizing ingredients which have been linked to birth defects in the reproductive system of boys and can cause lower sperm mobility in adult males

TEA; Triethanolamine: Can cause allergic reactions.

TCC- triclocarban; TCC 3 or 4, trichlorocarbanilide’s: cause endocrine disruption (increase the levels of hormones to a dangerous level).

PEG, Propylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol, Polyethelylene Glycol: Used as an emulsifier and keeps products moist. Petroleum derivative used in anti-freeze and hydraulic brake fluid. Alters cell membranes and can cause cardiac arrest. Shown to cause dermatitis, kidney or liver abnormalities and skin irritation.

PVP; Polyvinyl pyrrolodene, Copolymer: Petroleum derived. Suspected human carcinogen.

Formaldehyde: used as a preservative and disinfectant. Can cause eye, nose and throat irritations including coughing, asthma attacks, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, nose bleeds, headaches and dizziness. Known to cause weakening of the immune system.
Butylated hydroxianisole (BHA)/Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT): Contains Toulene. BHT is a suspected human carcinogen and is made from coal tar. Can cause metabolic stress, depression of growth rate, weight loss, damage to liver and/or kidneys, baldness and fetal abnormalities, anemia and lower blood cell counts. BHA & BHT cause allergic contact dermatitis. Both substances slowly corrode metal and up to 13% of BHT is absorbed through the skin.

Some important links:

Happy shopping!

Written By: Natalie

I have been learning all about health from what to eat to what not to eat. From eating an alkaline diet to how powerful and versatile the almond nut is. I cannot believe all the uses for so many foods. You begin to realize how close minded you have become when you are introduced to an entirely new and required lifestyle. Today, I learned about the Chia Seed.

According to Wikipedia:

“ It was cultivated by the Aztecs in pre-Columbian times, and was so valued that it was given as an annual tribute by the people to the rulers. It is still widely used in Mexico and South America, with the seeds ground for nutritious drinks and as a food source.[1] Chia seeds typically contain 20% protein, 34% oil, 25% dietary fiber (mostly soluble with high molecular weight), and significant levels of antioxidants (chlorogenic and caffeic acids, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol flavonols). The oil from chia seeds contains a very high concentration of omega-3 fatty acid — approximately 64%.[3] Chia seeds contain no gluten and trace levels of sodium.[4]"

Chia seeds are the richest plant source of Omega-3, have more fiber, protein and calcium than flax seed, have more antioxidants than blueberries, and more dietary fiber than bran flakes. They also have more calcium than 2% milk (non-hydrogenated or pasteurized).

I have read testimony after testimony of the positive affects these seeds have on the health of others. With all the versatile ways to use them I am excited to try them out in super food smoothies, salads, baking, and more. To boot, I am getting more raw enzymes and nutrition, which is always a plus. Not only is it great for me, but my whole family.

These seed gems are known for:
1. Rehydrating an athlete
2. Excelling energy within an hour
3. Helping you feel more full because they absorb ten times their weight in water, reducing food cravings, and they block calorie absorption as well.
4. Reducing your blood pressure
5. Being the richest plant source of Omeg-3, containing more Omega-3 than salmon, which is great for inflammation issues, heart disease, and inflammatory disease such as arthritis.
6. Benefiting those with diabetes, because they can control blood sugar
7. Having more ease on the digestive tract than flax seeds
8. Having no need to be grounded up.
9. Their versatility in how they can be eaten raw(have a nutty flavor), or baked, and soaked in fruit juice, which is called “chia fresca".

If you have never tried Chia Seeds, but would like to, here are some recipes I found on nutsonline.com (a great resource for shopping whole foods and alternatives):

· Chia Water
· Chia Smoothie
· Chia Pudding with Maca
· Chia Rice Salad
· Chia Vegetable Stir Fry
· Chia French Toast
· Chia Seed Fruit Drink
· Chocolate Truffles with Chia Seeds (Gluten Free)
· Apricot Truffles with Chia Seeds (Gluten Free)
· Chia Cereal

I would love to hear your personal experiences if you have ever eaten these or happen try one of these recipes!

To Better Health!



Removing Heavy Metals in our body is a process that I am learning, and will continue to learn about as I continue my treatment, learn from my doctors and do my personal research.

One thing that is very simple and economical is EPSOM SALT AND SODA BATHS 3x/week. You take one-half cup of Epsom Salt and Baking Soda in a tub of just less than hot water. Soak for 1-20 minutes. I recommend 20 minutes, personally. Massage all parts of your body with your hands or a soft cloth. One to five tablespoons of olive oil can be added as a skin lubricant and emollient.

I have tried a product by Beeyoutiful.com who is very mindful of providing trustworthy, safe, and pure products. It is called Eucalyptus Bath Salts and it contains Epsom Salt, European Spa Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Organic Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, and Natural Coloring. Normally, when I take a soak in the tub in just warm water the tub drains clear, but when I soaked in this special remedy I was amazed to see a ring of black soot left on my tub. It almost looked like gunpowder was washed off my body.

I can tell you in just one soak I felt calm, soothed, eased, and stress-free when done.My body and my mind were whole again. I can’t imagine how I will feel after a few more! Also with Beeyoutiful’s product your skin is soaking in natural emollients and it will feel baby soft. If you don’t mind a little Eucalyptus as a part of your soak you will love this. It opened up my airways and refreshed me. So, “proof is in the pudding” as they call it, Epsom Salt Baths work. But, if you want a more basic recipe follow the one I described. It was provided to me by my doctor.

In addition to heavy metal removal Epsom salt has many other benefits: It reduces inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps, exfoliates dead skin, improved nerve functions through electrolyte regulation, improved heart and circulatory health, helps the body make more efficient use of insulin reducing the incidence or severity of diabetes, relieves constipation, improves oxygen, improves absorption of nutrients, improved formation of joint proteins, prevents or eases migraine headaches, can be replacement therapy for magnesium deficiency/help aid in it, relieves symptoms of fibromyalgia and osteoporosis, is used to treat pre-eclampsia, Epsom salts may be given as first aid for barium poisoning, ease stress, calms and relaxes, and can be used to flush liver and the gall bladder.

VITAMIN C—is a natural detoxifying agent as well as an essential building block. I first recommend that you get a trustworthy product that is mindful of quality and safety. Also, it is suggested to me that it be a buffered C for absorbency and ease on the stomach.

I have learned that the way you know you are getting enough C for YOUR body is this:

Start taking 2, 1000mg tablets/capsules; 2x/day the first day, then add one daily until you have a loose stool. Once you reach that, back up and take the dose you were taking the day before. This is how much vitamin C you personally need. By doing this process you discover not only the amount of C you need, but it acts as a colon cleanse, helps to start detoxify your body, is a natural anti-oxidant protection against toxic agents released from the detoxification process, and it removes heavy metals from the body over time.

You may choose another version of this. Instead of tablets you can do a powder form. Dissolve 1 teaspoon (3.2 grams) of buffered abcorbate (vitamin C) in 2 ounces of water, juice, or herbal tea. The buffered C should contain calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Allow it to dissolve for about 2 minutes, then drink. Repeat every 30 minutes until you have a loose stool. Keep the track of number of teaspoons you take so once you reach that point you can back up to the number of teaspoons you took before that occurred. That amount is what your body personally needs. As your body absorbs this regular dose each day it will gradually adjust to where it will need less and once that happens you will see loose stool again. This indicates you do not need to take as much and you can back up a dose until you no longer have a loose stool. Vitamin C has so many properties to help our body heal and restore. It is essential for our health. BEVKO is a product line that is a brand my doctor strongly recommends to me, and is very mindful of making sure food allergens are not present. You can order online.

ALFALFA AND IONIZED DISTILLED WATER: A nutritional specialist shared this with a friend of mine to remove heavy metals. Take the recommended amount of Alfalfa with ionized distilled water. The Alfalfa has properties in it that work like a magnet with the ionized distilled water and pull the heavy metals out of the cells and dispose them. And as a team, Alfalfa with Vitamin C work as a natural antihistamine. Alfalfa is a treasure for cleansing the body and providing chlorophyll. It has many benefits.

CHLORELLA: This is well known for its ability to bind and remove mercury toxins from the body and the brain as well as other heavy metals. Chlorella is green, single-celled micro-algae that supplies high levels of beta-carotene, Vitamin B-12, iron, RNA, DNA, and protein. It is rich in chlorophyll, which has so many benefits. It boosts your immune system and also aids in the digestion of your food. The chlorophyll aids in processing more oxygen in your body, cleanses and purifies key elimination systems like the bowel, liver, and blood. It removes toxins, optimizes your blood pressure, eliminates molds throughout your systems, neutralizes the air you breathe in, and promotes growth and repair of tissues and cells in the body. You may find this at Beeyoutiful.com also. There are other forms such as powder that you may be able to find if you prefer to put it in a health shake or have it in some other way.

MAGNESIUM: This is so important for the rest of the nutrients in your body to assimilate. Magnesium promotes the proper functioning of your immune system and body enzymes. This helps in activating detoxification in your cells. It aids even in the removal of lead and aluminum. Our bodies need this to have ultimate health.

Deficiency in Magnesium has been proven to be linked to many illnesses: Diabetes, stroke, PMS, depression, migraines, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, anxiety attacks, asthma, blood clots, bowel disease, cystitis, fatigue, hypertension, hypoglycemia, kidney disease, liver disease, musculoskeletal conditions, nerve problems, cramps, muscle spasms, vertigo, confusion, serotonin imbalance, sleep problems, spasms of blood vessels, enzyme under-function, Reynaud’s Syndrome, tooth decay. Without Magnesium, Vitamin D and Calcium cannot absorb correctly or effectively into the body the way that is needed.

An excellent source of magnesium is DERMAMAG magnesium chloride oil (magnesium direct.com or 1-888-249-8574), which goes on the skin topically. You just spray it on your arms and legs. It absorbs in the body more quickly and is more affective in the cases especially when the gut cannot absorb well. I ran this by my doctor, who is STRICT. She reviewed it and was impressed with this product.

Some foods rich in magnesium that you can make a part of your diet are: pumpkin, Brazil nuts, spinach and in fish like halibut and aloe, artichoke, tuna, oat bran, beans, cornmeal and more. You can go to: http://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/food/magnesium-foods.htm to learn the actual servings of magnesium in different foods and what all foods you can naturally make a part of your meals!

PLENTY OF PURIFIED WATER: Water is key in making sure everything in your systems is being flushed out. If you do not drink enough water in a day your body becomes like a toilet that has not been flushed for a long time, or like pipes backing up in a septic system. All those toxins in your body are just sitting in your gut and are very harmful to your body. It also puts you at risk for getting cancer, bowel disease and eventually affects the rest or your organs and tissues in your body. Water aids your body in absorbing oxygen as well. The best kind of purification for water is Reverse Osmosis.

MILK THISTLE TEA OR HERB also referred to as silymarin, helps your liver detoxify while assisting in eliminating heavy metals. Milk thistle also protects the membranes of red blood cells. Also, my husband told me he can drink a cup of Milk Thistle Tea (organic advised) and he will not need to take an anti-acid. It calms the digestive system naturally. He has asked me to get more!

CILANTRO: is a simple way to aid in eliminating heavy metals, including mercury, from your body. Cilantro aids in heavy metal detoxification by restoring the normal functions of your body cells. Cilantro can be easily added to a simple dish such as salads, steamed vegetables and soups. It can also be pureed with other foods to make sauces, gravies and can be sprinkled onto grilled meat or into the slow cooker.

VITAMIN B-6 is needed if you have undergone dental procedures or have any metal dental fillings. It helps the body maintain resistance to the contamination of heavy metals in the body. Vitamin B-6 is in many of our foods. You can Google foods with vitamin B-6 to find out what you can add into your daily diet to ensure you are building a strong resistance against metal toxicity.

The nice thing is there are several ways to cleanse heavy metals from our systems. We can take a soak in the tub several times a week, flush our systems with Vitamin C, spray that magnesium, drink a cup of hot tea, sprinkle some herbs onto our food, or make a healthy meal with plenty of raw foods rich in these nutrients.

I have mentioned a few company names you can refer to for trustworthy products. They are simply resources I have used and have had positive experience with as well as results with. They are high-quality and safety-minded, and I am very particular about making sure what I put into my body and my family's body is pure and safe.

The key is that you go to trustworthy and well respected resources, because there are companies out there who do not provide quality, do not make sure what you are getting is free of contaminants and do not care to ensure you are taking in natural ingredients. I do not recommend synthetic versions of vitamins. They are inferior to the real thing. Everything we put in our body should be live food, not chemically and synthetically derived.

Also, taking a good multi-vitamin is really important in making sure your body is fed with the replacing nutrients needed, which have been sapped from your body when trying to resist what heavy metals have imposed on it.

I hope this helps encourage you that no matter what exposure you have experienced with heavy metals you can restore your body and make it whole again!

Hope this helps you feel better!


"Where Do I Begin?"

This is most likely the question you are asking yourself if you are contemplating making changes in your diet and cutting out everything you have ever known to be a part of your every day routine. How does a person cut out gluten, dairy, soy, and corn to name a few?

My advice is, “One step at a time”. Making a change for life doesn’t happen overnight. Here are a few steps I have taken in changing over to a new allergy-free diet. This has helped me a lot. Maybe it will help you:

1. First, I make myself a list of different things I need to address by category.

2. “Food Therapy”--I have written down what I need to heal my body, and have researched what food will restore it back to health.

3. “Cleansing”-I have recorded what supplements and herbs I need to detoxify my body so I can restore what has been damaged and excel the healing process.

4. “Organic List”--I have made a list of produce I should buy organic. Pineapples and avocados have a thick, protective shell on them, so I can buy them at the general store or purchase them at a local farm or market. However, apples and strawberries are exposed and vulnerable to pesticides. It would be best for me to purchase organically anything that is entirely edible such as green leafy foods, berries, peaches and pears. If you make orange zest buy oranges organic! By dividing my items this way I ensure better health as well as save money. It would be nice to buy everything organic, but it more expensive so I choose to be savvy wherever possible!

5. “My Replacement List”—What items am I going to use to replace those foods I am allergic to? I can’t have dairy or soy so I will be using Almond and Hazelnut milk, almond butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and other. What about flour? I will pre-mix my own all-purpose flour with recipes I found using Almond flour, Brown rice flower, Tapioca flour and other flours.

6. “General Produce Inventory”—These are the foods I can get at my local grocery store or get at a local farmer’s market.

7. “Local Farms and Markets” –Where can I shop to strategically get what I need and also save myself money, yet make this a fun experience instead of a stressful one? I truthfully have never been to a farmer’s market or organic farm, but I can’t wait to go. I’ve read so many reviews on our local farms and markets. What an adventure this is going to be for me! I can’t wait to take the kids! Also, I can save myself time by shopping for some of my items online! There are also allergy-free bakeries!

8. “Cooking and Baking” –Time saver recipes! How can I cook and bake allergy free food simply without it feeling like a bunch of extra work, and how can I prepare meals that will taste so yummy that my family and friends will never know they just ate GF, CF, SF, allergy free food? I can grill outdoors, slow-cook, use my griddle (a favorite), bake, broil, or pre-cook on a designated day and freeze meals ahead of time for my busy days. I do love my Turbo-Cooker. No frying for me.

9. “Recipe resources with no food allergens”—I found great blogs and websites by people who are going through the same thing as I. Generously they share tips, tricks, flubs, victories, and their journey, while lifting the burden of newcombers who feel overwhelmed and don't know where to begin. It is a great comfort to find someone who understands what you are going through, and also shares something that not only comforts you but helps you succeed!

10. “Time for my own recipe book”--- Got a blank binder, slipped in a favorite photo of mine in the front cover, labled it 'Gluten-Free', and begun recording all the recipes that can replace my old favorites.

11. “Make a Menu Plan and Shopping List” –It is my theory that if I plan enough meals to cover for several weeks cycles I can rotate them. When it is time to shop I’ll have my grocery list for each week’s menu in place for grocery shopping day!

12. “Pantry Inventory”—what will I always need on hand for my baking and cooking so I can prepare my meals with ease and low stress? Keep your pantry stocked with spices, flours, and the new essentials you will need to replace the old ones so meals preparation is stress free.

13. “Snacks” ---Have healthy a snack plan in place where snack’s are prepared ahead of time so when you get the munchies you don’t grab a tempting food that you can’t have. “Those homemade frozen strawberry pops are looking good to me.”

14. “Plan the Budget”—How much can I save, spend, and designate for my new life change? Make a plan by doing all the above. Time and money will be saved and stress will be minimized.

15. “Continue to Educate”---keep digging to get answers and know your research will pay off.

Coming up, I will be sharing about new and exciting discoveries that I have been uncovering, which heal the body. There are so many foods and herbs that will restore us back to health. I have found a wonderful superfood that removes heavy metals and toxins from the body while restoring your body back to health! But for now,here are some great resources for your allergy-free shopping and meals!

Blogs with allergy-free recipes and tips:











Shopping Resources Online:







I hope this will help you get a head start in creating a plan for your new lifestyle change. I look forward to sharing more with you!

Have a great week!


As many of you know I am in the process of finishing a book on infertility. I have recently done a lot of reading on the role vitamin D plays on our fertility. While doing this I also learned some interesting information for all to know and wanted to pass it along.

First off, there are not hardly enough studies out there investigating vitamin D deficiency and infertility. However, I was able to find Dr. Lubna Pal of Yale University School of Medicine, who has studied the effects of Vitamin D deficiency in regards to fertility.

She discovered a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and ovulation irregularities. After conducting a study showing this correlation Dr. Pal said, “Given the pandemic of vitamin D insufficiency, if indeed our observations are substantiated, aggressive repletion with vitamin D may emerge as an alternative approach to facilitate ovulation resumption.” Although her study was small it did prove the fact that more studies do need to be done on the role vitamin D plays in fertility.

Besides infertility, I also learned how vitamin D deficiency can cause other health issues for every man, woman and child. Here is what I learned from the Vitamin D Council web site; "Current research has implicated vitamin D deficiency as a major factor in the pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease, and more."

Ironic how staying OUT of the sun can cause cancer. In today's society so many people sit at a desk all day and when they head outside they put sunscreen on or cover-up. People do not hear much about vitamin D deficiency and therefore do not know how important it is to get the proper amount of vitamin D.

The Vitamin D Council recommends the following in order to get enough vitamin D:

1. Regularly receive midday sun exposure in the late spring, summer, and early fall, exposing as much of the skin as possible.

2. Regularly (once a week) use a sun bed (avoiding sunburn) during the colder months.

3. Take 5,000 IU per day for three months, then obtain a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test. Adjust your dosage so that blood levels are between 50–80 ng/mL (or 125–200 nM/L) year-round.

(Source: http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/)

Spring is on it's way. Once Spring arrives, consider taking a break during lunch and step outside. Take off your shoes and socks, roll up your sleeves, don't worry about sunscreen and soak in some sun.

Happy tanning,

Humans are the only mammals who continue to drink milk after weaning. Why is this?

Do you think it has anything to do with the $165.7 million dollars spent on marketing? And this marketing figure was back in 2003. Milk is a multi-billion dollar industry. This industry has ingeniously made the majority of Americans think they need something they do not. You do not need to drink cows milk. Milk is a business, not a necessity. Please don't gasp at my statement until you learn more.

I know it is hard to go against the grind sometimes. But I always remember a couple of women who fought against those old Lysol ads of the 1920s that told women to use their product as a douche and contraceptive. I am sure the first few women who came out and said, "I don't think this is right," were disregarded. As a fact I know they were. Women died from doing this. Sickening, isn't it? But so true; look it up. But I digress...

The milk industry has done a great job of scaring people into thinking they need milk. However, you don't need to drink milk after being weaned. Ideally you don't need cows milk at all if all moms could breastfeed. But, I know that can't always happen (Salma Hayek can't be all places at once - inject laughter here).

I will agree to the fact that you do need calcium but you can get it from more natural sources than drinking milk. You can get your calcium from: collard greens, black-eyed pees, baked beans, kale, Chinese cabbage, oranges and almonds. Don't limit yourself to thinking you need milk for calcium. You can find it in many different, safer, foods.

Are you wondering why I just said, "safer?" Pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and antibiotics are contaminants found in milk. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has a great site that will give you a lot of information regarding the concerns over milk. I suggest you check them out if you are open to it.

I am sure I am most likely coming across as some sort of "hippie" mom but that can't be further from the truth. I have just decided to open my eyes up to what my children consume. All three have had semi-serious to life-threatening issues with their health. Since I took dairy out, I have seen life altering changes. I have seen such improvements that I can say all three are very healthy today. The majority of these changes can be contributed to their diet change alone.

Although your pediatrician will tell you kids need to drink 2 to 3 glasses of milk a day they are not warning you that milk is an allergy-triggering food. Milk is linked to childhood recurrent ear infections, constipation, sinus congestion, asthma, acne and insulin-dependent diabetes. Evidence also shows that dairy product consumption contributes to obesity, heart disease and some cancers (such as ovarian and prostate cancer).

Are you sold on the fact that you need milk to grow strong bones? If yes, then the milk industry has done a good job in marketing. A major study revealed that the amount of calcium girls consume during their teen years have no impact on bone strength. Exercise, however, had a huge positive effect. For strong bones, kids need weight-bearing activity, sunlight, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. (Source: "Lifestyle factors and the development of bone mass and bone strength in young women." J. Pediatr. 2004 Jun;144(6):776-82)

Do you buy it when the dairy industry says drinking milk will prevent osteoporosis? Not true. Actually, the high amount of protein in milk drains calcium from the body. Population studies, backed up by a 12-year Harvard study of 77,761 women, suggest that drinking more milk can actually cause osteoporosis.

Mark Hegsted, retired Harvard professor of nutrition, believes we get too much calcium. In an article in the Journal of Nutrition he writes, "Hip fractures are more frequent in populations where dairy products are commonly consumed and calcium intakes are relatively high." High calcium intake causes the body to decrease the amount of calcium absorbed while excreting the excess. That is why people with low calcium consumption manage to form healthy skeletons while high dairy consumers end up with extensive bone loss. Basically, if you are overloading your body with calcium, it will dump more than it should.

If I have said enough for you to do some research, here is a link to a Parent's Guide in helping promote strong bones in children - dairy free. This will also apply to us, adults.

Your "Hippie" Mom,
